Possession Date - 6th March 2019
The planets aligned and we found we could make a last minute trip to be there for the handover. (Sneaking in an opportunity have a quick surprise visit with our kids and grandchildren, an extra bonus.)
It felt strangely odd staying in an Air BnB when we had a house we now owned 10 minutes away, however we had agreed to let the previous owner stay on for a few weeks as she needed more time for her uplift to be scheduled. It as a whirl wind trip to check the property, and get the run down on how things worked. We were also appreciative that Elizabeth introduced us to some of the neighbours and locals, then it was time to head back to Tassie.
Road Trip to see the old owner off and paint
Booking "Blue Truck" (As we call Graham's '56 Ford F100) and the boat on the Spirit of Tasmania was tricky as the ferry was booked out for overheight until the end of April. We put ourselves on a cancellation list, and were lucky to get a sailing on the 16th March. Graham headed off in Blue Truck towing the boat, both loaded up with tools and gear to paint the house, while I stayed behind with Elwood, as we still had open houses to get ready for. I regretted that I hadn't taken a photo, but was delighted to find Graham took a shot along the way.
Elizabeth asked Graham to defer painting yet another couple of days, which he spent in Adelaide running errands and visiting. Finally he arrived around 4pm on the 22nd March to find after the uplift, our place was left disappointingly dirty. You have no idea. tsk.
He spent the last few hours of daylight clearing a spot in the garage for Blue Truck and the boat, then cleared and cleaned a square in the middle of the living room where he laid a tarp so he could unload and set up his bed. That first night was a restless one.
His morning started with a sigh as he found there wasn't even a final gasp of propane to start the stove with. So no coffee for him and another chore to add to the list. Followed with the news that the promised cleaners were not coming at all. I take my hat off to him, he just rolled up his sleeves and began cleaning, a monstrous task which put him behind schedule for another couple of days.
He had some stunning sunrises and sunsets to sooth his soul.
It just keeps getting better |
And started to bond with our local "mobs" of Kangaroos.
Identifying the regulars, and the naming begins |
The Transformation Begins - Before and After Shots
And after seven - twelve hour days of Herculean efforts, he transformed the inside.
Here are some before and after photos.
Kitchen Before - check that - a wood fire range |
Kitchen After - that's a tiny pantry through the door, and note both a propane, and wood cooking stove |
Living room looking towards the back before |
Living room after |
Living room looking towards the double doors at front |
living room looking back to hall/kitchen before |
Living room looking back to hall/kitchen after |
3 Bedrooms were transformed
A spare bedroom before |
and after after |
Master Bedroom before |
A spot on the veranda to relax when he was done
Can you see the Kangaroos in these photos?
That's it for now.
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